On Tuesday, we went for a walk on the path beside the school (and luckily missed a bear encounter!). Students were instructed to choose two items from the natural environment (no garbage, bugs, animals or cigarette butts) to bring back to class with them. For homework, students were to choose one item from home that was small enough to fit in their pocket.
On Wednesday, students worked in their table groups. They put all their items together on a large piece of paper. They were instructed to create a story using the items as characters or parts of the setting. This was a way for students to practice using the terms introduced last week: conflict, setting, protagonist, antagonist and plot. Students were also encouraged to think of the symbolic meaning behind some of the items their group had.
Students continued working on their story plan on Thursday.
On Friday I sat with each group and we wrote their stories down together. After they finished writing their stories they told their story to one other group. I have included the pictures I took of their story image and a brief summary of their story. They turned out so good!