September 27, 2021
We have started a new initiative in our new building where our Language and Culture team will be hosting a weekly session called Mawio'mi Friday. All staff are invited to join the team for some tea and storytelling and language learning. Our first Friday session was held on September 24th and everyone really enjoyed spending time together and having some great laughs.
September has been a great start for elementary math in our MK schools. Students and teachers are enjoying the resources and getting back into number routines in the classrooms. Students are connecting pictorial, concrete and numeral hands on activities in the lessons. This year the classrooms have math literacy levelled resources to incorporate into the integrated mathematics curriculum. We are also happy for share that Paqtnkek is grateful for the support of resources to help kick off the opening of their new school in the community.
Our Sports and Recreation team have been working on planning for the upcoming year. Now that schools and sports are resuming near normal activities, they are planning for school sports and the upcoming NAIG games. Physical Education teachers from our MK schools got together on September 23rd and 24th to discuss current Covid protocols and prepare an event schedule for the upcoming year. Every year they also have the opportunity to learn and practice a new sport to bring to their schools. They also had an opportunity to learn and play the sport of Pickle Ball and it looks like everyone had a lot of fun!
Josie Bernard from We'koqma'q created some amazing spaces for her K4 class using cultural resources that were provided for the K4 Program. She created a Ti’pi Sensory area and she created some other amazing learning spaces using the resources from her Tuff Trays.