Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey News

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Interview with an Educational Assistant - Savannah Morris

September 28, 2024

What is your name and where do you work?

My name is Savannah Morris and I work at Paqtnkek Education Centre.

How many years have you been working as an EA?

I've been working at PEC for 3 years going on 4 after this March break.

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

I love working with the kids. I teach them what I know, and they also teach me too. Learning my language also is a big factor, my family didn't speak our language or know much about it, so working here has really taught me more about our culture.

Can you describe an accomplishment that has filled you with pride in your career?

Being able to show my strength, and show what I'm capable of. Previous jobs didn't let me shine the way this school does. I'm able to come up with a plan and go forward with it. I'm coming up with a curriculum to help kids label their body/clothes all in Mi'kmaq, and can’t wait till its developed to show everyone.

Do you have any Mentor’s you’d like to mention or give a shout-out to anyone who influenced you to work in education?

My 2 main mentors would be Melissa Baker and Jenna Pierce, as they give me the time to explain things i don't understand, they are able to show me a way of thinking that i never would think of thinking. They are always willing to guide me even if I don't notice they are.