Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey News

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Interview with a graduate - Scott Denny Stevens

June 11, 2024

What is your name, age, school, and what community are you from?

My name is Scott Denny-Stevens, I am 17 years old. Attending Alison Bernard Memorial high school as a grade 12 student, and I am from Eskasoni First Nation.


What clubs, teams, or groups are you involved in at school, and after-school?

I am involved in the Interact rotary club at school.


What’s your favourite subject in school?

My favourite subject in school is calculus.


If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why?

I would go to Greece, because growing up my mom would play Mamma Mia on the TV a lot and I would love to see the scenery in real life.


What do you like to doin your spare time?

I love to sleep, go for a run, play video games, watch movies, and hang out with family and friends.


What are your plans for when you graduate, and why? What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?

After I graduate my plan is to work for the summer, then attend Cape Breton University in the fall to continue my education and study bachelor of science. I want to work for the summer to have enough funds to support myself while I attend university, and I want to further my education because one day I hope to be somewhere in the dentistry field. In ten years from now, I see myself working in the dentistry field, and hopefully living on my own with a pet cat.


Do you have a role model? If so, who? And why?

My role model is Newell Johnson who is my principal, because she is the kindest, sweetest and loving person. She guides the youth to be better, she keeps them in line, and she is always there for them when needed. As a graduate, throughout the years I have seen Newell do outstanding things for the school committee, she really goes above and beyond for us youth. I myself, appreciate Newell for everything she has done for me, all the opportunities she gave me, being there for me, being so understanding, and most of all I can go to her for anything and the comfort I feel when I’m in her presence because of her kind loving soul is the same soul I aspire to have.


What is your best memory from your high school years?

This is a really tough question because all the memories that were made are the best. But I think I have a top three because I can’t choose, which is a trip to Florida with my grad travel group, prom, and safe grad because I enjoyed spending time with those whom I have grown up with my whole life, making new memories before we all go our separate ways.


What is the best thing about your school?

The staff.


Who has made an impact on you?

My grandmother, Arlene Stevens.


Is there something you'd like to see in your school or community that isn't there now?

Honestly, a bed to nap on. Even if it’s only for 15 mins, school is so tiring.


Do you have any words of advice, a personal favourite quote, or a thank-you?

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.” - Robert Frost