Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey News

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School News

Interview with a graduate - Royce Nevin

June 5, 2024

What is your name, age, school, and what community are you from?

My name is Royce Nevin and I am 17 years old. I’m from Sipekne’katik and attend HERH.


What clubs, teams, or groups are you involved in at school, and after-school?

I’m involved with my schools girls softball team.


What’s your favourite subject in school?

I have 3 favourite subjects - Biology, science and English.


If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why?

If I could go anywhereI would go to Boston, because my aunt uncle and cousin lives there and I’ve made many awesome memories there with them.


What do you like to doin your spare time?

In my spare time I play softball or volleyball.


What are your plans for when you graduate, and why? What do you see yourself doing ten years from now?

When I graduate I want to be a lawyer or a health care worker. In 10 year- time I see myself practicing medicine or fighting for justice.


Do you have a role model? If so, who? And why?

My role model is my kiju because she’s taught me to be kind, keep consistency, and never give up.


What is your best memory from your high school years?

My best memory from high school was playing softball with my school.


What is the best thing about your school?

The best thing about my school is definitely the school spirit and the inclusiveness they have there.


Who has made an impact on you?

Myself! I’ve seen me build myself everyday and I can see the improvements I’ve made and it inspires me to keep going.


Is there something you'd like to see in your school or community that isn't there now?

It would be cool to see our school serve foods from around the world since we have exchange students!


Do you have any words of advice, a personal favourite quote, or a thank-you?

I have a life full of reasons to be happy and thankful, I am a powerful living spirit!