Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey News

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#RibbonUpMK - Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey hosts Ribbon Skirt Workshops throughout Mi'kma'ki

November 30, 2023

Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey in partnership with Indigenous Student Affairs offices at post-secondary institutions across Mi’kmaki, hosted 2-day ribbon skirt workshops for students attending College and University.

The event was coordinated by Ann Sylliboy, Post-Secondary Consultant, along with her Post-Secondary team. It was the first time for the event and it was coordinated in an attempt to create connections and community by having students from across Mi’kmaki do the same activity at the same time. Students often feel isolated when they are away from their homes and communities.  The idea behind the workshop is to stitch together the skirts/shirts while stitching together a new network.

Each participating school was gifted with a sewing machine that will stay at the school. We also provided sewing kits, put together by our staff, which included all of the materials required to make the skirts and shirts such as fabric, ribbons, thread, and elastics. As part of the partnership, each school hired workshop facilitators to support the students.

The skirts turned out to be absolutely beautiful and we hope the new connections made last a lifetime.